


43.0 bn.nok

Ferd´s total value-adjusted equity

  • Value-adjusted equity
  • Return on equity %
  • Liquidity

Balances on the group cash pool, money market fund, listed shares and liquid hedge funds

Letter from the CEO

“For almost 175 years, Ferd and Ferd’s owners have stood for long-term Norwegian ownership. It is particularly when the outlook is at its bleakest, and we and the world are put to the test, that our vision is an unconditional guide: We will create enduring value and leave clear footprints.”

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Morten Borge, CEO

Summary of Ferd's financial results for 2022

Ferd’s value-adjusted equity at the end of 2022 has been calculated to be NOK 43.0 billion (NOK 48.0 billion on 31 December 2021). The return on value-adjusted equity for Ferd was minus 9.1 per cent in 2022. The return expressed in NOK, after adjusting for dividend payments to the company’s owners, was minus NOK 4.4 billion.

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